Points To Look For When Integrating Attendance Management System


For any organization an attendance management system can be quite beneficial and help in proper functioning. Employees are the most valuable asset any company has and such type of system helps in keeping note of productivity employees are able to achieve. Let us now look at the benefits and features of these systems.

Benefits of Attendance System

  • There is no risk of manual errors in tracking attendance.
  • Employees can view their attendance details as well as leave summary.
  • It helps in increasing productivity since employee time is saved and reduces staffing overhead.
  • Increases employee satisfaction since employees are assured to timely paychecks and accuracy of attendance calculation
  • The system helps in reducing time theft and payroll errors as well as improves performance of employees.
  • It increases employee engagement which in turn makes them contribute more towards accomplishment of goals of the company. Thus, overall company culture improves and employees work enthusiastically.
  • It also helps in improving regulatory compliance since data collected makes sure that necessary information is available as poof of attendance of your employees.

Features of Attendance System

  • Define holidays.
  • Set up minimum working hours for full day or half day work and late comers.
  • Management can easily find out the in-time as well as out-time for any employee and the total hours worked.
  • Easy customization makes sure that things can be changed as per your organization’s requirements.
  • You can also set up shift details as well as import data for attendance into the system.
  • Permissions can be set for viewing attendance reports. As for example, reporting managers can have access to reports of the team whereas administrators would have access to everyone’s report.
  • An attendance management system also provides graphical charts which make it easy to view the employees present on any day and those who are on leave or absent.
  • Reports can be generated on daily basis for individual employees as well as on the basis of departments.
  • The reports can also be exported into Excel format to be used for other purposes.
  • These systems let you choose from multiple attendance punching options such as biometrics or password system.
  • You can also easily view the reports for daily worked hours as well as the overtime reports which can be helpful in taking managerial decisions.