Disruptive innovation in HR tech for the modern workplace.


The enterprise eco-system is evolving rapidly, bringing in a wave of change in the Human Resource landscape. The platforms that were designed just a few years ago, catered to the basic requirements of companies and their HR department.
Over the years, there has been an evolution of workforce; HR Leaders are increasingly expected to participate in business growth and the function of HR has shifted from being paper intensive to driving innovation at workplace.

Disruptive Innovations by ZingHR

Machine Learning: ZingHR implements Machine Learning technology for recruitment with psychometric analysis. Machine Learning revolutionizes recruiting by applying complex mathematical calculations to analyze the behavior of a potential employee, hence saving the time spent on recruitment.
Machine Learning helps make faster hiring decisions as the requirements for the right candidate are clearly defined, reducing the resource time and efforts, hence reducing the overall costs for the organization. Predictive models can be designed by Machine Learning algorithms classifying potential employees as per their probability of attrition, derived by past behavioral patterns within their previous workplaces.
Given the right human insight, machine learning can eliminate interviewer bias as it analyzes the big data as per user defined parameters and the results are drawn objectively.

Aadhaar based eKYC for Mobile Onboarding

ZingHR’s latest integration for convenient employee Onboarding – Aadhaar based eKYC, lets employees complete their verification formalities instantly. The identity and address of the candidate are verified electronically through Aadhaar and processed further. It enables a convenient, secure and paperless process for employee verification.
The entire onboarding process including document submission, offer letter acceptance, sharing company details, employee connect on mobile and web and eKYC verification is seamlessly integrated.

Business Analytics

ZingHR uses Microsoft PowerBI and other big data analytics tools to deliver real-time human resource analytics for business transformation. Power BI provides businesses with a 360 degree and real-time view of the most important HR metrics. It turns organizational data into intelligent, impactful visualizations that help make better, informed decisions.

Chatbots for support

ZingHR integrates a chatbot facility for customer support 24X7. It uses the capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning to simulate a conversation with human users. Chatbots use Language understanding intelligence service (LUIS) and Natural language Processing (NLP) to mimic human conversations and respond to written prompts by the user and deliver the desired response, real-time.