How Can Enterprises Align Aspirations of Organization & People?


Do you think your team is working in silos? Is there a lack of communication and collaboration within your organization? We all know that silos in the departments can inhibit growth. It is more important to break down the silos, increase collaboration and get your teams working towards a common objective. 

Aligning aspirations of organisation and people are key to any successful organisation. Working in a siloed organisation can create an unknown gap within the teams and departments. You can accomplish your business outcomes only if there is an organisation alignment.  

What is Organisational Alignment in Enterprises? 

The idea is that the entire team from the entry-level workforce to the top management share a common vision and objective for the Enterprise. They work in collaboration to accomplish every objective with a transparency and accountability across the functions.  

Based on organizational alignment research of 410 companies across eight industries, highly aligned companies: 

  • Grow revenue 58% faster 
  • Are 72% more profitable 
  • Satisfy customers 3.2-to-1 
  • Engage employees 16.8-to-1 

What is the Cost of Organisation Misalignment? 

When strategy, culture and talent misaligned the organisations underperform. 

  • McKinsey’s organizational health index found that misaligned companies generate half the return on invested capital and 18% less in EBITDA. 
  • IDC found companies lose at least 10% of potential revenue growth from weak sales and marketing alignment

Benefits of an Aligned Organisation and People 

  • Enhanced Collaboration  
  • Faster Decision Making 
  • Greater Transparency and Accountability 
  • Better Customer Experiences 

Have a Common Goal Across the Organisation.  

A common goal is the most important aspect when you are working towards team alignment. If you do not have a clear vision the team has no clear path to follow. Silos in any organisation start with the management. Every function head is focussed on accomplishing their own set of goals and this silo mentality is destructive to the team alignment. Leadership must make collaboration and communication within the organisation. The objective should be to get out of the mindset of ‘I’ ‘me’ and move to ‘us’ ‘we’ mindset. Invest in every member of your team and work towards achieving growth. 

Use the Right HR Technology 

The right HR technology can make or break your initiatives. OKR isn’t an old concept, but we at ZingHR have successfully rediscovered it as strategic business tool that helps align Business Objectives, helps achieving them with periodic timelines and monitoring them regularly.  

For example, HRMS software who can provide you with OKR software for Enterprises should have objectives and goals of the leadership team which is accessible to the team to the entry level as well. They can view the growth, progress in which the complete organisation is moving to achieve the common objective.  

One may create as many objectives for each quarter of the year, have defined timelines. Each objective can be tagged under 3 broad categories, An Org wide, a team or an individual in nature. An Organisation specific Objective can be viewed by all members in the Organisation, a Team specific can be focused to any functional or cross functional team and individual is for a self-assigned objective.   

For each team objective the creator can assign a leader who can drive the objective. The tool can create as many team(s) which can be cross functional or agile in nature. A team can be created and be dynamic in nature depending on the nature of the objective. The owner for each objective can create multiple teams other than the natural functional teams.   

The dashboard helps to always get an overview of all the objectives and their status. For each objective, the assigned team or members or Owner can create as many KEY results as possible with defined owners. The KEY results may also have team and owner assigned. At all given times each KEY result will be aligned to an Objective.   
