Handling Customer Service During Crisis

Customer Service

Customer Service is going to matter a lot during lockdown. Your customers are going to need your support and it will go a long way in determining your success during lockdown and even after lockdown.

Be Real and Honest

There is nothing better that would attract and retain a customer than being honest and real. Be real to them and have honest conversations with them. It would give them a sense of security during tough times.

Be Real and Honest
Use AI to Solve Problems

Use AI to Solve Problems

Have chatbots that can solve problems of your customers. Not everyone would want to wait in a line to solve their problems. Chatbots would save a lot of time and add convenience in your customer’s lives.

Have Discussion Boards

Discussion boards can be very useful as the customers would get a chance to interact with each other. It would also help as they can learn from the experiences of others and implement it.

Have Discussion Boards