Growth Building in an Enterprise


Scaling in any business is a challenging task. It takes a tremendous amount of energy and effort to accomplish it. It needs a strong collaboration across
the cross-functional teams to achieve growth. The HR leaders should ensure that the workforce and resources are giving their best towards achieving
the common goal.

Early Stage

This is an initial stage in any growth building for an Enterprise. Your core team should be ready and target audience should be identified, you are ready to get out in the market with the product. Bootstrapping or angel investment has been taken, competitors are identified and you are all set with your USP to launch the product.

Have Actionable Insights

Acquisition and conversion rates that are essential to growth are identified, and each team is focused on that one specific goal. All the teams has to work together for a common goal. This is the time they brainstorm together and bring out the best outcome oriented results.

Growth Stage

This is the most crucial stage for an Enterprise. You have a fair idea about the market. You must have acquired your first 100 happy customers. Now, scaling your business is important. Your focus should be acquiring your next 100 new customers and retain the old customers by providing excellent customer experience.

Market Positioning

To stand amongst your competitors, you need to position yourself uniquely. This can be possible if your product or services are appealing along with that you have the awesome customer
and employee experience.
