Transform your Enterprise into the Best Place to Work

A carefully designed and conducted employee surveys can help you with great information about employee perceptions which the top management can use to improve the workplace experience. When an organization responds to employee feedback it can lead to higher retention rates, improved productivity, better customer service, high employee morale and low absenteeism. The organization conducting a survey can send a positive message to the employee that their opinion matters to them.    

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace, only 15% of employees are engaged in the workplace. Nearly 85% of employees worldwide are still not engaged or are actively disengaged at work, despite more effort from companies.   

Employee Engagement is directly related to increased productivity, retention and business outcomes. ZingHR’s employee engagement tool gives your employees a voice to lead and an opportunity for the organization to leverage actionable insights with holistic employee management experience.  

5 Key Reasons Why You Should Conduct Employee Surveys?  

Increase Employee Satisfaction  

By conducting employee surveys, you can gather information on issues and discover what motivates your employees. It enables you to identify issues, gather feedback, implement changes and this which leads to employee satisfaction. The adage ‘A happy worker is a productive worker’ definitely has truth to it as satisfied employees are more loyal and committed.   
Positive Work Environment  
Employee surveys can create a positive work environment at your organization. When you are seeking feedback from your employees, they feel that their opinions are valued. They know that the leadership team is listening and acting on their concerns, which makes employees feel they are an important part of the organization. Open feedback can create a positive work culture of trust and accountability.   
Employee Retention 
Retaining talented employees is critical for any successful business. If your employees are dissatisfied this can lead to high turnover and costs for your organization. When you survey your employees, you can act on the feedback and it will enable you to address areas of dissatisfaction. An amazing combination of increased employee satisfaction and a positive work environment can result in the retention of your talented employees.     

Increase Candidate Engagement 

According to Gallup research, a mere 12% of employees believe their organization does a good job during onboarding. A study by Glassdoor shows the importance of having a quality onboarding process: The research showed that organizations with strong onboarding processes improve new-hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. Many studies have proved that have proven that effective candidate onboarding can lead to increased employee connection, performance, engagement, job satisfaction and much more.   

Gauge Employee Wellness 
16% of employees have a work situation that negatively impacts their sleep regularly. 25% of employees frequently feel physically drained or exhausted after an average day’s work. 30% of employees frequently start their workdays feeling tired or low on energy. About 20-30% of employees feel frustrated, stressed, anxious, or annoyed daily or a few days a week. (Source:  

Employee wellness features a correlation to their productivity, happiness, and retention levels. Use an employee wellness survey to measure what level of importance your employees give to their wellness.      

Launch ready to use survey templates built by Global HR experts

Expected Outcomes 

  • 25% Lower attrition   
  • 60% Higher level of employee engagement and satisfaction   
  • Increased new hire engagement   
  • Improved ENPS  
  • Increased level of innovation  
  • Improved wellness   
  • Inclusivity and Accountability 

 Emerge as the best place to work!